International Geological Journal - Official Journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association

Hauterivian calciturbidites within the Schrambach Formation (Kaltenleutgeben section, Lunz Nappe, Northern Calcareous Alps, Lower Austria)

Published: Dec 2005

Pages: 483 - 491


Abstract: A single turbiditic coarse limestone layer (thickness up to 10 cm), interpreted as distal calciturbidite, is described for the first time from the Lower Cretaceous Schrambach Formation of the Lunz Nappe (Kaltenleutgeben section, Northern Calcareous Alps). It is composed almost exclusively of bioclasts derived from echinoids (about 50 %), bryozoans, coralline red algae, foraminifers, and remains of stromatoporoids and belemnoids; calcareous green algae are missing. The stratigraphic age of this layer is Late Hauterivian based on the findings of the Euptychoceras Abundance Zone. The biota, indicate a source area in an upper slope position marking the transition to shallow-water areas. This is the first record of a shallow-water evolution in the Northern Calcareous Alps from the time-interval between the Barmstein limestones (Late Tithonian–Late Berriasian), the Plassen Formation (up to Early/Middle Berriasian) and the allochthonous Urgonian limestones (since Late Barremian onwards). A relationship to equivalent biodetritus within the Rossfeld Formation, which currently lacks biostratigraphic data, is possible. Finally, transportation from southern directions is assumed due to the occasional occurrence of chrome spinel and the nappe tectonic position of the locality.

Keywords: Hauterivian, Austria, Northern Calcareous Alps, Schrambach Formation, ammonoids, microfacies, calciturbidites

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Volume 56 no. 6 / December 2005