International Geological Journal - Official Journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association

Proceedings of the Geologica Carpathica 70 Conference

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I. Broska, A. Tomašových, M. Kohút & Ľ. Puškelová: Geologica Carpathica: History and future of the open access international geoscience journal (9-11)

I. Broska & P. Uher: Bohuslav Cambel: An outstanding geochemist and his role in history of Geologica Carpathica (100 years since his birth) (12-13)


Theme 1: Tectonic history of the Alpine–Carpathian–Balkan orogenic belt

F. Neubauer, Y. Liu, S. Cao & S. Yuan: What is the Austroalpine mega-unit and what are the potential relations to Paleotethys Ocean remnants of southeastern Europe? (16-20)

D. Plašienka: The Western Carpathians — record of 180 Myr lasting orogenic progradation and its drivers (21-24)

T. Csibri, M. Kováč & S. Rybár: Neogene exhumation and denudation of the Central Western Carpathian nappe units in the Danube Basin (25-28)

P. Ivan, Š. Méres & D. Plašienka: Lithology and tectonic structure of the HP/LT metamorphosed composite Bôrka Nappe: An important clue to the Meliata Ocean geological history (29-32)

E. Márton, D. Plašienka, J. Madzin, J. Grabowski, J. Bučová, R. Aubrecht & M. Putiš: A new era of the paleomagnetic research in the pre-Cenozoic of the Central Western Carpathians: Concepts, first results and ongoing studies (33-36)

F. Neubauer, Y. Liu, S. Yuan, S. Yu, J. Genser, B. Liu & Q. Guan: The Wechsel Gneiss Complex of Eastern Alps: A Cambrian continental arc and its Early Proterozoic hinterland (37-38)

T. Potočný, Š. Méres & D. Plašienka: Succession of tectonometamorphic processes in the Veporic–Gemeric contact zone revealed by monazite age data (Western Carpathians, Slovakia) (39-42)

J. Soták, M. Kováč, D. Plašienka & R. Vojtko: Orogenic wedging and basin formation in the Central Western Carpathians: New insights from Súľov–Domaniža and Žilina–Rajec basins (43-44)

R. Vojtko, P. Žitňan, J. Prcúch, J. Lexa, P. Koděra, M. Chovan & A. Kubač: Structural control of the Banská Hodruša ore deposit (Štiavnica Stratovolcano) (45-48)


Theme 2: Petrology and geochemistry: Towards geodynamics and metallogeny

V. Janoušek: Variscan odyssey of the Bohemian Massif and the related plutonic activity (50-53)

A. von Quadt, S.J.E. Large, Y. Buret, I. Peytcheva & C.A. Heinrich: How long does it take to make a giant porphyry copper deposit? Advances in high-precision geochronology and modelling of magmatic–hydrothermal processes (54-55)

P. Bačík: The influence of cationic partitioning among crystallographic sites based on bond-valence constraints and the genetic environment geochemistry on the composition of tourmaline-supergroup minerals (56-59)

E. Balkanska, I. Gerdjikov, S. Georgiev, A. Lazarova & A. Kounov: Mylonitic Late Variscan granites from the central Balkan fold-thrust belt, Bulgaria (60-63)

F. Finger, H. Fritz, C. Hauzenberger, E. Hejl, W. Kurz & M. Lindner: Variscan I-type granitoids in the Eastern Alps and their geodynamic setting: An updated discussion based on new geochronological results (64)

H. Georgieva, R. Nedialkov & I. Krumov: Hydrothermal amphiboles from Na–Ca and Na–Ca–K-silicate alterations: An example from Elatsite porphyry copper–gold deposit, Bulgaria (65-58)

M. Janák: Eclogites of the Western Carpathians revisited (69-70)

P. Jirman, E. Geršlová & L. Medvecká: The geochemical characteristics of the Menilite Formation in the Czech Carpathians: A short review (71-74)

M. Kohút, R. Anczkiewicz, A. Biroň, M. Danišík, V. Erban, A. Gerdes, A. Halton, K. Jesenák, C. Kirkland, Y. Kochergina, T. Magna, T. Mikuš, S. Milovská, R. Milovský, N. Pearce, C. Recio, S. Sherlock, J. Šurka, J. Westgate & P. Bačo: Genesis of the Carpathian obsidians (75-78)

L. Krmíček & L. Ackerman: Regionally dependent metasomatism of orogenic mantle revealed by highly siderophile elements and Re–Os isotope geochemistry of Variscan lamproites: A pilot study from the Bohemian Massif (79-82)

J. Lexa, B. Rottier, K. Yi, A. Audétat, I. Broska, P. Koděra & M. Kohút: Magmatic evolution of the Štiavnica volcano (83-86)

N. Lyzhachenko, S. Kurylo, S. Bondarenko & V. Syomka: Mineralogy of Nb–Ta bearing apatite–cordierite metasomatised metabasite from Mostovyi ore occurrence (Ukrainian Shield) (87-90)

M. Maraszewska, I. Broska & S. Kurylo: Hybrid I/S nature of Prašivá granite type, Low Tatra pluton: Evidence from mineralogical data (91-94)

D. Ozdín, M. Gargulák, P. Povinec, S. Strekopytov, V. Porubčan & Š. Farsang: Meteorite Smolenice — a new iron of IVA group from Slovakia (95-98)

I. Petrík: Two types of titanite in I-type tonalites from Tatric and Veporic units: Magmatic vs. post-magmatic oxidation (99-101)

S. Shnyukov, I. Lazareva, O. Andrieiev, O. Mytrokhin, A. Aleksieienko & L. Gavryliv: Geochemical modeling of magmatic–hydrothermal systems: Petrological evaluations and metallogenic application (102-105)

P. Uher, P. Bačík & J. Fridrichová: Beryllium silicate minerals in granite–pegmatite suites: Tracers of magmatic to hydrothermal and tectonic evolution (examples from Western Carpathians) (106-107)


Theme 3: Permian evolution: Joining the Variscan and Alpine orogenic events

G. Zulauf: From Variscan to Cimmerian Europe as revealed from case studies in the Bohemian Massif and the eastern Mediterranean (110-111)

I. Broska & M. Kubiš: Whole rock chemistry of the Permian Gemeric specialised S-type granites (Western Carpathians) and remark to their correlation (112-114)

R. Demko: The Permian basalts in Hronic Unit (the Western Carpathians): Their physical and regional variations (115-118)

M. Putiš, F. Koller, X-H. Li, Q-L. Li, A. Larionov, P. Siman, M. Ondrejka, P. Uher, Z. Németh, P. Ružička & O. Nemec: Geochronology of Permian–Triassic tectono–magmatic events from the Inner Western Carpathian and Austroalpine units (119-122)

J. Spišiak, L. Vetráková, D. Chew, Š. Ferenc, T. Mikuš & P. Siman: Calc–alkaline lamprophyres from the Nízke Tatry and Malá Fatra Mts.: Petrology and geochronology (123-124)


Theme 4: Petrology and geochemistry: Towards geodynamics and metallogeny

K. Holcová, F. Scheiner, N. Doláková, S. Nehyba, J. Kopecká, R. Brzobohatý, A. Demeny, Š. Hladilová, J. Hrabovský, H. Kuhnert, R. Milovský, J. Rigová, M. Seko & T. Utescher: An imprint of the middle Miocene paleoceanologic and paleoclimatic events in a satellite sea during the Langhian: A case study from the Central Paratethys (126-129)

M. Kováč & The Neogene Tigers (E. Halásová, J. Hók, K. Holcová, N. Hudáčková, M. Hyžný, M. Jamrich, P. Joniak, M. Kováčová, A. Ruman, S. Rybár, M. Sabol, K. Šarinová, M. Šujan, R. Vojtko, T. Csibri, P. Kiss, P. Nováková, I. Pavičić, L. Šamajová, T. Vlček): Implication of the global and regional tectonics and eustasy on the Central Paratethys paleogeography: Reflection in the regional and standard time scale correlation (130-133)

J. Michalík: Mesozoic sedimentary basins, current systems and life domains in northern part of the Mediterranean Tethys Ocean (134-136)

D. Reháková: Plankton evolution and biostratigraphy during Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous (137-140)

A. Ali, R. Mohamed, K. Zaki & M. Wagreich: Influence of deformation bands on Nubian sandstone reservoir quality, Eastern Desert, Egypt (141)

S. Antolíková: Biostratigraphic and paleoecological evaluation of Lower Jurassic sediments from Myjava Highlands (142)

J. Hrabovský, D. Basso, G. Coletti & A. Pisera: The paleogeographic distribution of the coralline algae of the genus Mesophyllum in Central Paratethys during the Middle Miocene (143)

N. Hudáčková, A. Ruman, I. Plašienková, M. Jamrich, E. Halásová, P. Kiss, M. Kováčová, J. Babejová-Kmecová & M. Kováč: Badenian/Sarmatian foraminifera shift in the Central Paratethys: Two methods comparison — a morphogroup and species approach (144-145)

M. Krobicki, A. Feldman-Olszewska, O. Hnylko and J. Iwańczuk: Peperites and other volcano-sedimentary deposits (lowermost Cretaceous, Berriasian) of the Ukrainian Carpathians (146-150)

V. Šimo: Bathysiphon microfacies and trace fossils association of the Lower Jurassic Fleckenmergel marly limestone from the Central Western Carpathians, the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Betic Cordillera (151-152)

P. Siwek & M. Wendorff: Research into mixed turbidite systems: Macro- and microscopic-scale observations — case study from the Szczawa Tectonic Window, the Fore-Magura zone of the Polish Outer Carpathians (153-156)

P. Siwek & M. Wendorff: The Cergowa Sandstone at Stasiana and Iwla: An example of turbidity hyperpycnal flow deposits in the Outer Carpathians (Dukla region) (157-159_

J. Soták, S. Antolíková & T. Elbra: End-Cretaceous extinction and Paleogene recovery of planktonic microfauna in the Western Carpathians: Stratigraphic constraints and paleoenvironmental proxies (160-161)

L. Švábenická & R. Šefců: Provenance of natural chalk used in ground layers of the Bohemian Gothic paintings determined by nannofossils (162)

A. Tomašových, N. Hudáčková & T. Fuksi: Actualistic paleoecology and taphonomy of the Holocene benthic assemblages in the northern Adriatic Sea: Links with the Middle Miocene ecosystems of the Vienna Basin (163)


Theme 5: Petrology and geochemistry: Towards geodynamics and metallogeny

M. Bielik, H. Zeyen, Z. Alasonati Tašarová, V. Starostenko, I. Makarenko, O. Legostaeva, H-J. Goetze, †F. Horváth, R. Pašteka, J. Dérerová, J. Pánisová, M. Grinč & B. Šimonová: Integrated geophysical modelling of the lithosphere in the Carpathian–Pannonian region: A review (166-170)

R. Pašteka, P. Zahorec, M. Bielik, V. Szalaiová, J. Mikuška, I. Marušiak, J. Papčo, D. Kušnirák & M. Krajňák: Revision of Bouguer gravity anomalies map of Slovak Republic and interpretation of their enhanced higher derivatives(171)

V. Bezák, J. Vozár, D. Majcin, M. Bielik, D. Bilčík, J. Pek, R. Klanica & J. Telecký: Research of deep crustal structures by electromagnetic sounding and other geophysical methods in the northern part of Slovakia (172-175)

F. Hrouda: Contrasting magnetic fabrics in sedimentary rocks of the accretionary prisms of the Flysch Belt of the Western Carpathians and the Rhenohercynian Zone of E Bohemian Massif (176-179)

L. Šamajová, J. Hók, M. Bielik & T. Csibri: The contact of the Bohemian Massif, Western Carpathians and Eastern Alps: Density modelling (180-183)

P. Vajda, P. Zahorec, J. Papčo, D. Bilčík, F. Greco & M. Cantarero: Advances in volcano gravimetry: Handling topographic effects (184-187)