SHRIMP U-Th-Pb zircon dating of the granitoid massifs in the Male Karpaty Mountains (Western Carpathians): evidence of Meso-Hercynian successive S- to I-type granitic magmatism
Abstract: Representative granitic rock samples from the Male Karpaty Mountains of the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) were dated by the SHRIMP U-Th-Pb isotope method on zircons. Oscillatory zoned zircons revealed concordant Mississippian magmatic ages: 355±5 Ma in Bratislava granodiorite, and 347±4 Ma in Modra tonalite. The results document nearly synchronous, successive Meso-Hercynian plutonic events from S-type to I-type granites. The Neo-Proterozoic inherited zircon cores (590±13 Ma) were identified in the Bratislava S-type granitic rocks whereas scarce Paleo-Proterozoic inherited zircons (1984±36 Ma) were detected within the Modra I-type tonalites.
Lithofacies and age data of Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) and their tectonic interpretation
Abstract: Jurassic sedimentary rocks of the Telekesvölgy Complex (Bódva Series), Telekesoldal Complex (Telekesoldal Nappe) and the Csipkes Hill olistostrome in Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) were sampled for microfacies studies and interpretation of the depositional environments. The Telekesvölgy Complex is made up of reddish to greenish marl, occasionally containing limestone olistoliths — gradually progresses from the Norian Hallstatt Limestone of the Bódva Series — then grey marl, which may correspond to the latest Triassic Zlambach Formation. This variegated marl progresses into grey marl and calcareous marl, containing crinoid fragments. It may be interpreted as a hemipelagic facies, relatively close to submarine highs. Bajocian to Lower Bathonian black shales, rich in radiolarians and sponge spicules representing typical deep pelagic facies, are also assigned to the Telekesvölgy Complex. The Telekesoldal Complex represents a melange-like subduction-related complex that consists of black shales, sandstone turbidites and olistostrome beds, and deposited by gravity mass flows. A relatively deep marine basin in the proximity of a submarine slope is likely to be the depositional environment of this unit. The clasts of the olistostromes are predominantly Middle to Upper Triassic pelagic limestones, rhyolite and basalt. Subduction related nappe stacking of the ocean margin during the Middle to Late Jurassic may have created suitable conditions for this sedimentation pattern. Bajocian–Callovian age of the complex was proved by the revision of the radiolarian fauna and new palynological data, the first from the Jurassic of the Aggtelek-Rudabanya Hills. The Csipkes Hill olistostrome consists of carbonate turbidite beds containing Jurassic platform derived foraminiferal and olistostrome horizons with Middle–Upper Triassic limestone clasts of red Hallstatt facies.
Biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Sirwan Valley (Sulaimani Region, Kurdistan, NE Iraq)
Abstract: The Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary sequence, which crops out in the studied area is located within the High Folded Zone, in the Sirwan Valley, northeastern Iraq. These units mainly consist of flysch and flysch-type successions of thick clastic beds of Tanjero/Kolosh Formations. A detailed lithostratigraphic study is achieved on the outcropping uppermost part of the Upper Cretaceous successions (upper part of Tanjero Formation) and the lowermost part of the Kolosh Formation. On the basis of the identified planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, five biozones are recorded from the uppermost part of Tanjero Formation and four biozones from the lower part of the Kolosh Formation (Lower Paleocene) in the Sirwan section. The biostratigraphic correlations based on planktonic foraminiferal zonations showed a comparison between the biostratigraphic zones established in this study and other equivalents of the commonly used planktonic zonal scheme around the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in and outside Iraq.
Eocene-Oligocene sedimentation in the external areas of the Moldavide Basin (Marginal Folds Nappe, Eastern Carpathians, Romania): sedimentological, paleontological and petrographic approaches
Abstract: The Marginal Folds Nappe is one of the most external tectonic units of the Moldavide Nappe System (Eastern Carpathians), formed by Cretaceous to Tertiary flysch and molasse deposits, piled up during the Miocene closure of the East Carpathian Flysch basin, cropping out in several tectonic half-windows, the Bistriţa half-window being one of them. The deposits of this tectonic unit were accumulated in anoxic-oxic-anoxic conditions, in a forebulge depozone (sensu DeCelles & Giles 1996), and consist of a pelitic background sporadically interrupted by coarse-grained events. During the Late Eocene the sedimentation registered a transition from calcareous (Doamna Limestones) to pelitic (Bisericani Beds) grading to Globigerina Marls at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, and upward during the Oligocene in deposits rich in organic matter (Lower Menilites, Bituminous Marls, Lower and Upper Dysodilic Shales) with coarse-grained interlayers. Seven facies associations were recognized, and interpreted as depositional systems of shallow to deeper water on a ramp-type margin. Two mixed depositional systems of turbidite-like facies association separated by a thick pelitic interval (Bituminous Marls) have been recognized. They were supplied by a “green schists” source area of Central Dobrogea type. The petrography of the sandstone beds shows an excellent compositional uniformity (quartzarenite-like rocks), probably representing a first cycle detritus derived from low rank metamorphic sources, connected with the forebulge relief developed on such a basement. The sedimentation was controlled mainly by different subsidence of blocks created by extensional tectonic affecting the ramp-type margin of the forebulge depozone.
Taxonomic revision and new species/subspecies of Middle-Late Miocene (Bessarabian) miliolids of the Family Hauerinidae Schwager from Georgia — Eastern Paratethys
Abstract: Three new miliolid taxa from Bessarabian sediments from Georgia (Eastern Paratethys) are described following the classification of Luczkowska (1972), which has never been used before by ex-Soviet micropaleontologists. They are: Varidentella luczkowskae; Varidentella reussi (Bogdanowicz) subsp. costulata; and Affinetrina voloshinovae (Bogdanowicz) subsp. eldarica. This classification takes into account the morphology of the aperture and the shape and size of teeth as criteria to distinguish the species. This study contributes important criteria which will help to unify the taxonomical inconsistencies between the Eastern, Central and Western Paratethyan miliolids.
Mineral stability of Fe-rich bentonite in the Mock-Up-CZ experiment
Abstract: Bentonite is a basic component of most concepts of multibarrier systems in underground radioactive waste repositories. It is important to determine the bentonite stability under the conditions close to the future real situation. The paper brings the detailed mineral and structural analyses of smectites from the bentonitic material exposed to the long term Mock-Up-CZ experiment. The compacted barrier blocks and residual filling contained 85 % of bentonite from the Rokle deposit, 10 % of quartz sand and 5 % of graphite. They were exposed to temperatures of up to 90 °C for almost 4 years. Quantitative mineral analyses, crystal size distributions, FTIR spectra, as well as cation exchange capacity and layer charge density show high mineral stability of the Rokle bentonite under the conditions of Mock-Up-CZ experiment. Small changes in the crystal sizes and slight change in the layer charge as a consequence of the experimental alteration could be linked to the hydration and the variation of the geochemical environment of the experiment.