Published: Aug 1999
Pages: 313 - 324
Abstract: The studies of the Neogene nannoplankton assemblages, identified in the Outer Moldavides, permited us: to date and to correlate the lithostratigraphic units developed in the Tarcău, Marginal Folds and Subcarpathian nappes of the East Carpathians; to define more nannofossil subzones and to observe a lot of nannofossil bioevents (FAD or LAD), which may characterize the chronostratigraphic units. It was remarked that the boundaries between the Egerian-Eggenburgian, Karpatian-Badenian and Badenian-Sarmatian stages can be characterized by the first occurrences of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus, Discoaster exilis and Discoaster kugleri species. The boundary between the Oligocene and Miocene can also be approximated, in the Outer Moldavides area, by the first occurrences of Helicosphaera mediterranea.
Keywords: Miocene, East Carpathians, Tarcau, Marginal Folds and Subcarpathian nappes, nannoplakton zonation, nannofossil assemblages
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