Published: Apr 2005
Pages: 155 - 167
Abstract: Palynological investigations of the deep-marine Upper Eocene–Lower Oligocene, mainly turbiditic and hemipelagic sediments exposed at Folusz (Siary Zone of Magura Nappe, Polish part of the Western Carpathians), revealed a prevalence of land plant remains in the palynofacies. Dinoflagellate cysts are the most frequent among marine palynomorphs. A Priabonian age is found in the lower part of the Szymbark Shale; a Rupelian age is determined for the investigated part of the Magura Beds. Dinoflagellate cyst distribution shows no major changes, contrary to an outstanding change recorded in the coeval sediments from other parts of the Polish Carpathians. This implies different paleoenvironmental conditions in the northern part of the Magura Basin during the latest Eocene and Early Oligocene. Occurrence of high-latitude dinoflagellate cysts in the lowermost part of the section may be related to a drop of temperature in the surface waters of the sedimentary basin during the Late Eocene. Dinoflagellate cysts, whose motile stages are thought to have inhabited near-shore waters, are frequent in turbidites, whereas the hemipelagic/pelagic sediments usually contain more numerous oceanic specimens. Recycled dinoflagellate cysts occur more frequently in turbidite sediments.
Keywords: Carpathians, Eocene-Oligocene transition, Magura Nappe, paleoenvironment, biostratigraphy, flysch deposits, dinocysts
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