Published: Aug 2001
Pages: 217 - 228
Abstract: Shallow-water carbonate Jurassic sediments of the Andrychów Klippes (Inwald, Panska Góra, Targanice and Roczyny klippes) differ in origin and environment of deposition from the surrounding flysch complexes. In Jurassic paleogeography they represented a marginal part of the European Plate (Golonka et al. 2000), the morphology of which was characterized by the presence of elevated blocks, separated by basins. During Alpine north-directed movements, several blocks were detached from the continent and incorporated into flysch sediments, mainly in the front of the Silesian Nappe. Oxfordian cherty limestones of Andrychów Klippes show significant similarities to coeval sediments deposited on Eurasia’s southern margin. The Tithonian shallow-water limestones with abundant nerineacean-diceratid-coral fauna, numerous algae (dasycladales, codiaceans, solenoporeaceans), foraminifers (lituolids, miliolids, involutinids) and calcareous dinocysts show similarities to the Stramberk limestones, and remnants of carbonate sediments of the European Plate which occur as blocks and exotics in flysch deposits of the Outer Carpathians.
Keywords: Carpathians, stratigraphy, Jurassic sediments, carbonate facies, nerineaceans, calcareous dinocysts, algae, foraminifers
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