Published: Jun 1997
Pages: 171 - 178
Abstract: The profile through the Turonian in the area of Hammam Mellegue together with perfectly exposed Coniacian and Santonian formations is one of the best in Tunisia. It was proposed by the author as the stratotype profile for the Tethyan realm (Salaj 1986). We stress that planktonic and benthonic foraminifers are perfectly preserved here.The Lower Turonian is characterized by the upper part of the Whiteinella gigantea Zone (W. archaeocretacea Pessagno l967 which is a synonym of Whiteinella inornata Bolli is not present in the Uppermost Cenomanian to the Lower Turonian) with the Dicarinella imbricata and Dicarinella hagni Zones with abundant species of the genus Whiteinella Pessagno 1967. The Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Zone of the Middle Turonian is characterized by the Dicarinella oraviensis trigona, Dicarinella biconvexa and Sigalitruncana turona Subzones (Salaj l976; Salaj & Bellier 1978).The appearance and explosive development of the species Whiteinella inornata (Bolli) and Whiteinella repanda (Bolli) in the uppermost part of the Sigalitruncana turona Subzone together with various representatives of the genus "Gabonella" de Klasz, Marie & Meijer 1960, which are also abundant in the Upper Turonian is interesting. The uppermost Turonian is characterized by Dicarinella primitiva (Dalbiez) and Dicarinella paraconcavata (Hofker).The Lower Coniacian is defined by the Dicarinella concavata — elvetoglobotruncana cachensis Zone, whilst the Middle-Upper Coniacian is determined by the Globotruncanella praehavanensis Zone.The uppermost Coniacian is determined by Sigalia deflaensis (Sigal) and the base of the Santonian is determined by Sigalia carpathica Salaj & Samuel (Salaj & Maamouri 1995).
Keywords: Tunisia, Dj. Fguira Salah, El Kef, Turonian-Santonian, standard zonation, planktonic foraminifers
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