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, OCTOBER 2016, 67, 5, 495 – 505

doi: 10.1515/geoca-2016-0031

The Alpine tectonic evolution of the Danube Basin  

and its northern periphery (southwestern Slovakia)














Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova 6, 

842 15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic;,,


State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Mlynská dolina 1, 817 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

(Manuscript received April 19, 2016; accepted in revised form September 22, 2016)

Abstract: The tectonic evolution of the pre-Cenozoic basement, as well as the Cenozoic structures within the Danube 

Basin (DB) and its northern periphery are presented. The lowermost portion of the pre-Cenozoic basement is formed 

by the Tatricum Unit which was tectonically affected by the subduction of the Vahicum / Penninicum distal continental 

crust during the Turonian. Tectonically disintegrated Tatricum overlaid the post-Turonian to Lower Eocene sediments 

that are considered a part of the Vahicum wedge-top basin. These sediments are overthrust with the Fatricum and 

Hronicum cover nappes. The Danube Basin Transversal Fault (DBTF) oriented along a NW– SE course divided the 

pre-Neogene basement of the DB into two parts. The southwestern part of the DB pre-Neogene basement is eroded to 

the crystalline complexes while the Palaeogene and Mesozoic sediments are overlaid by the Neogene deposits on the 

northeastern side of the DBTF. The DBTF was activated as a dextral fault during the Late Oligocene – Earliest  Miocene. 

During the Early Miocene (Karpatian – Early Badenian) it was active as a normal fault. In the Middle – Late Miocene 

the dominant tectonic regime with NW – SE oriented extension led to the disintegration of the elevated pre-Neogene 

basement under the simple and pure shear mechanisms into several NE – SW oriented horst and graben structures with 

successive  subsidence  generally  from  west  to  east.  The  extensional  tectonics  with  the  perpendicular  NE – SW 

 orientation of the S


 persists in the Danube Basin from the ?Middle Pleistocene to the present.

Key words: Western Carpathians, Vahicum, wedge-top basin, pre-Cenozoic basement, palaeostress.


The  Danube  Basin  (Podunajská  nížina)  is  situated  in  the 

southwestern part of Slovakia as the northern continuation of 

the Pannonian Basin system. The Danube Basin (DB) is geo-

logically divided (Vass et al. 1988) into partial depressions 

extending between the horst structures of the pre-Cenozoic 

basement (e.g., the Rišňovce Depression) to the north and the 

Gabčíkovo  Depression  to  the  south.  (Fig. 1).  Sedimentary 

infill of the DB consists of Miocene, Pliocene and Quater-

nary deposits overlying the Hercynian crystalline basement 

in the south and the Mesozoic and Palaeogene sediments in 

the northern part. 

The aim of the contribution is to give an overview of the 

tectonic evolution of the DB and its northern margin from the 

Cretaceous to the Quaternary. The tectonic reconstruction is 

based on both original and published data, including geolo-

gical maps (Began et al. 1984; Harčár & Priechodská 1988; 

Ivanička et al. 1998; Nagy et al. 1998; Pristaš et al. 2000; 

Maglay et al. 2005; Ivanička et al. 2007; Polák et al. 2011; 

Fordinál et al. 2012; Potfaj et al. 2014; Teťák et al. 2015; see 

also the official online map at


). The original data represent the set of the geologi-

cal, structural and lithostratigraphic data collected, analysed 

and synthesized from the areas or localities where informa-

tion were not available or insufficient (e.g., Brezovské 


Karpaty Mts.). Alpine tectonic individualization of the 

pre-Cenozoic tectonic units, origin and evolution of the 

Cenozoic sedimentary domains, geochronological and 

thermo chronological  (ZFT/AFT)  data  and  the  Miocene  to 

Quaternary stress fields are discussed.

The tectonic evolution of the 

pre-Cenozoic basement

The pre-Alpine (Hercynian) structures are poorly pre-

served due to the Alpine structural overprinting. The Hercy-

nian orogeny had the opposite vergence as the Alpine oro-

genesis,  namely  top  generally  to  SE- S  (e.g.,  Bezák  et  al. 

1997; Ivanička et al. 1998; Polák et al. 2012; Pelech & Hók 

2014; Broska & Petrík 2015 and original data). 

From the point of view of the Alpine orogeny it is possible 

to define several basic tectonic units in the pre-Cenozoic 

basement of the DB. The Tatricum is the lowermost tectonic 

unit occurring on the surface or directly below the Cenozoic 

sediments. It includes Palaeozoic crystalline rocks and their 

sedimentary cover mainly of the Mesozoic age. The Tatricum 

has been overthrust by the cover nappes of the Fatricum and 

Hronicum (Plašienka 2003). The Fatricum is mostly com-

posed  of  the  Mesozoic  carbonate  sediments.  In  the  Tribeč 

Mts. the Fatricum contains also crystalline rocks as a part of 

the Veporicum crystalline wedge displaced together with  

the Mesozoic (and partially Permian) sediments (Fig. 1).  

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The Vahicum (or Váhicum) Unit (Maheľ 1981; Plašienka et 

al. 1994; Plašienka 1999) is composed of the Upper Creta-

ceous sedimentary sequence containing olistholiths of the 

crystalline basement and the Triassic to Late Cretaceous sedi-

ments  cropping out in the Považský Inovec Mts. (Rakús in 

Ivanička & Kohút 2011; Pelech et al. 2016a). New results 

(Pelech et al. 2016a) document superposition of the Upper 

Cretaceous sediments above the Tatricum and suggest their 

evolution in a wedge-top basin covering the external zones of 

the Internal Western Carpathians (sensu  Hók  et  al.  2014). 

The Hronicum contains a Late Palaeozoic volcano-sedimen-

tary sequence and Mesozoic (mostly Triassic) carbonate 

sedi ments. The Hronicum represents the uppermost tectonic 

unit in the DB area. Besides, the tectonic units already men-

tioned, the Pieniny Klippen Belt sediments (cf. Began et al. 

1984; Mišík 1997) crop out on the NW edge of the investi-

gated area (Fig. 1).

The sense of displacement of tectonic units obtained from 

the analysis of kinematic indicators is rather uniform with the 

top to the NW (Hók et al. 1994, 1998, 2013; Lénárt & Hók 

2013 and original data). Some fluctuations (to WNW) were 

registered in the Tatricum and Veporicum tectonic units in 

the northern portion of the Tribeč Mts. and the Sklené Teplice 

Horst (Hók et al. 2013). The exceptions represent structures 

with top to the NE directions of the Hronicum nappe iden-

tical in both, the Tribeč Mts. and the Sklené Teplice Horst. 

Apart from these areas a similar sense of 

displacement was obtained from the 

Beckov Castle cliff (Fig. 2). In terms of 

current knowledge, it is not possible to 

satisfactorily explain this direction of 


The Tatricum tectonic unit

The oldest Alpine tectonic activity is 

reported from the Tatricum. It is 95 Ma 

(K/Ar  dating,  Biely  in  Kuthan  et  al. 

1963) from the Tatricum cover sequence 

while the data from the Fatricum tectoni-

cally affected crystalline yielded 80 Ma 

(Ar /Ar dating, Putiš et al. 2009) in the 

Tribeč Mts. Folding of the Tatricum with 

generally top to the west-northwest 

(Fig. 2) before emplacement of the 


Fatricum crystalline and sedimentary 

sequences  (Fig.  3 a, b)  was  documented 

by structural data (Ivanička et al. 1998; 

Lénárt & Hók 2013). 

The  Albian – Cenomanian  sediments 

of the Tatricum are transgressi 


overlain by the Middle Turonian –  Santo-

nian sediments and both sedi mentary 

sequences are covered by the Fatricum 

nappe  in  the  Považský  Inovec  Mts.  

(Pelech et al. 2014; Józsa & Pelech 2014). 

Geochronological data from the Upper 

Palaeozoic sediments of the Tatricum 

cover sequence yielded data between 

110 – 90 – 60  Ma  (U/Pb  data  from  ura-

nium  mineralization,  Archangeľskij  & 

Daniel 1981; Štimel et al. 1984) respec-

tively 100 – 80 – 50 Ma (Ar/Ar data from 

white micas, Putiš et al. 2009) from 

shear zones in the crystalline rocks 

(Fig. 3 c, d).  During  this  phase  sinistral 

transpression shear zones occurred in the 

future Tribeč Mts. gra nite (Fig. 3c; Kráľ 

et al. 2002; Lénárt & Hók 2013). These 

Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Danube Basin and surroundings.

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, 2016, 67, 5, 495 – 505

data mirrored deformation of the Tatricum Unit before the 

displacement  of  the  Fatricum / Hronicum  nappes  above  the 

Tatricum. Occurrences of the Upper Cretaceous sediments in 

a discordant position above the Tatricum crystalline base-

ment in the borehole HPJ-1 (Fig. 4; Pelech et al. 2016b) as 

well as below the Fatricum and Hronicum  (Pelech et al. 

2014) prove this conclusion in the Považský Inovec Mts. The 

ZFT data of 255 Ma from the Tatricum crystalline basement 

of the northern part of the Považský Inovec Mts. can be con-

sidered to be postmetamorphic cooling ages after collapse 

and exhumation of the Hercynian orogene. It also points to 

the Tatricum pre-Alpine crystalline basement occupying 

a rather superficial position during the Cretaceous thrusting 

(Fig. 4).

Folding and tectonic displacement of the Tatricum cover 

units with the top to the NW during the Turonian, before 

emplacement of the Fatricum unit in their tectonic hanging 

wall has been documented from the Malé Karpaty Mts. 

(Plašienka et al. 1991, 1993). This situation is also readable 

on the geological map (cf. Polák et al. 2011).

Based on the above we can conclude that the Tatricum rock 

sequences were tectonically imbricated and disintegrated 

prior to the emplacement of the Fatricum and Hronicum tec-

tonic  units  (Fig. 3 a, b)  in  the  DB  realm  during  the  Ceno-

manian – Early Turonian (cca 100 – 90 Ma).

The Fatricum and Hronicum tectonic units

Displacement/thrusting  of  the  Fatricum  and  Hronicum 

were dated within the DB territory from 80 Ma to 70 Ma 

(Campanian – Maastrichtian;  Putiš  et  al. 

2009).  This is also confirmed by occur-

rences of the Upper Cretaceous sediments 

(Coniacian – ?Eocene)  in  borehole  SBM-1 

(Maheľ  1985)  and  the  Middle  Turonian  to 

Santonian sediments in the central part 

(Striebornica valley) of the Považský Inovec 

Mts.  (Józsa  &  Pelech  2014).  Both  these 

occurrences of the Upper Cretaceous sedi-

ments are situated directly below the Fatri-

cum thrust fault. This situation is slightly 

different in northern parts of the Internal 

Western Carpathians. Sedimentation of the 

Tatricum Mesozoic cover continued in the 

Veľká  Fatra  and  Tatry  Mts.  (Cúlová  & 

Andrusov  1964;  Boorová  &  Potfaj  1997) 

during the Turonian. According to the afore-

mentioned arguments it is possible to con-

clude that the displacement of the Fatricum 

and Hronicum nappes was terminated later 

within the DB region than in areas located 

further to the east


(e.g. Plašienka et al. 1997; 

Prokešová et al. 2012).  

The Vahicum tectonic unit

Occurrence of the ?Uppermost Cretaceous – Lower Palaeo-

gene sediments (Soták et al. 2013) in the borehole KRS-3 

(Fig. 3 e; Fig. 4) corroborates the existence of a sedimentary 

basin situated most probably in a piggy-back position atop 

the Hronicum Unit (Fig. 3 b, c). This basin can be considered 

as a part of the wedge-top basin of the Gosau Group during 

the Late Cretaceous – Eocene. The Late Cretaceous – Eocene 

wedge-top basin was connected with the subduction of the 

Penninic  (i.e.  Vahic)  distal  continental  crust  (Wagreich  & 

Faupl 1994; Wagreich 1995; Frisch & Gawlick 2003; Schmid 

et al. 2004, 2008) extending from the Eastern Alps to the 

Western  Carpathians  (Fig. 3 a, b, c).  The  docking  of  the 

 Internal Western Carpathians tectonic units close to their 

present position can be deduced from borehole data and the 

transgressive position of the Eggenburgian sediments on top 

of the deformed Oligocene – Lowermost Miocene sediments 

(Fig. 3 d, e). The borehole LU-1 reached below the Palaeo-

gene and Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Internal  Western 

Carpathians the Eocene sediments of the External  Carpathians 

(Flysch Belt) on the northern periphery of the DB (Leško et 

al. 1982).

The tectonic evolution during the Cenozoic 

Continuous changes of the compression direction of the 

palaeostress field orientations from NW – SE to NE – SW are 

characteristic for the Late Oligocene to Miocene tectonic 

evolution of the DB (c.f. Nemčok et al. 1989; Marko et al. 

1991, 1995; Fodor 1995). 

Fig. 2. The sense and direction of the tectonic displacement for the Tatricum Unit 

(dark grey arrows), the Fatricum (grey arrows) and the Hronicum (white arrows).  

The lines indicate the cross-section of the tectonic evolution model in Fig. 3 and Fig. 6.

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Fig. 3. Simplified evolution of the pre-Cenozoic basement of the northern part of the DB (not to scale; for details see text).

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, 2016, 67, 5, 495 – 505

The  Late  Palaeogene  Early 

Neogene   tectonics 

During the Late Cretaceous 

and Palaeogene the Brezovské 

Karpaty Mts. area was cove-

red by the sedimentary for-

mations of the Brezová and 

Myjava Groups (c.f. Salaj et 

al.  1987;  Fordinál,  Elečko, 

Nagy in Polák et al. 2012).  

In contrast, the Malé Karpaty 

Mts. were evidently exhumed 

to the surface and intensi vely 

eroded during the Late 

 Cretaceous. (Köhler & Borza 

1984; Michalík 1984; Polák 

et al. 2012). It follows the 

Brezovské Karpaty Block 

(BKB) was most probably 


si  tu ated  in  a  palaeo geo-

graphic position in relation to 

the Malé Karpaty Block 

(MKB) different to its 

recently posi  tion (Köhler et 

al. 1993).

The new geological and 

structural data of this study 

did not confirm the existence 

and activity of the ENE – SWS 

oriented Dobrá Voda Fault 

Zone (sensu Marko et al. 

1991; Michalík et al. 1992) 

with back thrusting (gene-

rally top to SE) of the Hroni-

cum rock sequence over the 

Upper Cretaceous sediments 

within the Brezovské Kar-

paty Mts. Continuation of  the 

Dobrá Voda Fault Zone to the 

ENE and SWS is not clear (see fig. 2 in Marko et al. 1991  

and Fig. 5), moreover the back thrusting is reported only 

from the Malé Karpaty Mts. (see fig. 4 and fig. 6 in Marko  

et al. 1990, 1991; Polák et al. 2012). Observed faults are 

mostly the normal faults in the Brezovské Karpaty Mts.,  

and the age of the Upper Cretaceous sediments were 


redefined  as  the  Early  Miocene  (see  Kováč  et  al.  1991).  

The faults with backthrust acti vity were reported, besides  

the Malé Karpaty Mts. also from the western margin of  

the Považský Inovec Mts. (Ivanička et al. 2007; Pešková & 

Hók 2008; Pešková 2011; Pelech & Hók 2014). The activity 

of the back thrusts lasted until the Late Oligocene – Earliest 

Miocene. It is proved by angular unconformity between  

the folded Lower Oligocene sediments and the Lower  

Karpatian strata on the northern periphery of the Malé  

Karpaty Mts. (Marko et al. 1990).  Furthermore, folded and 

faulted  sediments  of  the  Oligocene – ?Karpatian  age  are  

tectonically incorporated in the Hronicum nappe on the 

 western margin of the Považský Inovec Mts. (Ivanička et al. 

2007; Pelech & Hók 2014; Pelech 2015). Indirect evidence 

also comes from the angular unconformity between the 

Upper Eocene and the Karpatian sediments in boreholes 

(Nižná  and  Borovce  series  of  boreholes)  situated  in  the 

Blatné Depression (Biela 1978). It is supposed that the MKB 

was shifted by dextral movement along the so called the 

Dobrá Voda Line (sensu Fusán et al. 1987; Ludince fault 

sensu  Buday  1963;  see  also  Kronome  et  al.  2014)  or  the 

 Danube Basin Transversal Fault (DBTF), which is a new 

name for the above mentioned syno nyms to the NW into  

the area of the future Vienna Basin during the Late Oligo-

cene – Earliest Miocene. The estimated dextral offset of the 

back thrusts along the DBTF is ca. 15 km (Fig. 5). 

Fig. 4. Simplified map of the pre-Cenozoic basement of the Danube Basin with important boreholes 

and  AFT/ZFT  data  (Kráľ  1977;  Kováč  et  al.  1994;  Koroknai  et  al.  2001;  Danišík  et  al.  2004;  

Králiková 2013; Králiková et al. 2016). DBTF — the Danube Basin Transversal Fault was separated 

by the Mojmírovce Fault (MF) during the Middle Miocene.

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The  prevailing  NW – SE  oriented  compression  in  the  

frontal part of the ancestral Western Carpathians and contem-

porary  extension  in  the  NE – SW  direction  in  the  internal 

zones (Nemčok et al. 1989) reactivated the DBTF as a nor-

mal fault during the Eggenburgian – Early Badenian. South 

from the DBTF course the uplifted pre-Cenozoic basement 

of the DB was eroded up to the crystalline basement. First 

sediments were deposited over the crystalline basement 

south of the DBTF during the Middle Badenian. 

The Mesozoic and Palaeogene complexes are preserved 

only northeast from the DBTF (Fig. 4). The Palaeogene strata 

together with a significant portion of the Mesozoic sediments 

were most probably removed by exhumation processes in the 

central  part  of  the  DB  during  the  Oligocene – Earliest  

Miocene. This is verified by the absence of these sediments 

in boreholes (Biela 1978; Fusán et al. 1987) as well as by the 

gradual exhumation of the Tatricum crystalline basement 

according to published AFT data of ~ 52 to 20 Ma from the 

Malé Karpaty, southern portion of the Považský Inovec, and 

Tribeč  Mts.  (Kráľ  1977;  Kováč  et  al.  1994;  Danišík  et  al. 

2004;  Králiková  2013;  Králiková  et  al.  2016).  Moreover,  

the geochronological data are supported by AFT ages of 

more than ~ 40 Ma from the easternmost parts of the Eastern 

Alps  indicating  a  similar  age  (Dunkl  & 

Frisch 2002). At the same time, it points to 

the existence of an elevated area between 

the compressed front of the Internal 


Western Carpathians (forearc basin) and  

the retroarc Hungarian Palaeogene Basin 

above the Transdanubian Range (Tari et  

al. 1993).

The Neogene tectonics

The area of the present DB began to dis-

integrate  into  NE –  SW  oriented  horst  and 

graben structures in the Middle Miocene. 

This process took place under transtension/

extension tectonic regime with the principal 

palaeostress compression oriented in the 

N – S  to  NE – SW  direction.  (Marko  et  al. 

1991;  Fodor  1995;  Marko  &  Kováč  1996; 

Nemčok  et  al.  1998;  Hók  et  al.  1999). 

Obtained data indicate successive opening of 

the depocentres generally from the west to 

the  east  (Fig. 6).  During  this  time,  the  

northern  part  of  the  Považský  Inovec  Mts. 

was exhumed, indicated by AFT data of  

~ 21 to 13 Ma (Danišík et al. 2004; Králiková  

et  al.  2016).  Three  main  tectonic  phases  

can be recognized in the tectonic evolution 

of the northern periphery of the DB. The first 

two phases were connected with simple 

shearing in the upper crust (sensu Wernicke 

1985), which led to the opening of half- 

graben type depressions. A distinct subsi-

dence (Lankreijer et al. 1995) followed by huge accumula-

tion of sediments in the Blatné Depression (up to 2500 m) 

was accompanied by north-westward tilting of the pre- 

Neogene basement during the Badenian age (c.f. Rybár et  

al. 2015). Exhumation of the Tatricum basement and termi-

nation of unroofing of the Veporicum unit operated in the 

Tribeč  Mts.  (Fig. 6a)  at  the  same  time  (Hók  et  al.  1999; 

Lénárt & Hók 2013). 

The second phase is characterized by attenuation of the 

simple shear tectonic regime. This process is recorded by 

activity of the Majcichov fault (see Bezák et al. 2004)  

with significant tilting of the pre-Neogene basement to the 

northwest, and accumulation of the Sarmatian sediments  

(up  to  1500 m)  in  the  Rišňovce  Depression  (Fig.  6b).  

Moreover, the exhumed crystalline basement was sealed  

by the Sarmatian deposits in the Komjatice Depression  

(e.g., boreholes Ivánka, Biela 1978). The third tectonic phase 

can be characterized by pure shear extension (McKenzie 

1978)  in  the  Tribeč  Mts.  and  the  Komjatice  Depression 

(Fig. 6c) with presence of the angular disconformity between 

the Sarmatian and Pannonian sediments (Kováč et al. 2008, 

2011) and symmetrical  character of this depression (Hók et 

al. 1999). 

Fig. 5. Supposed and simplified scenario of the Malé Karpaty block shifting along the 

Danube Basin Transversal Fault (DBTF) during the Late Oligocene. The DBTF was 

reactivated as a normal fault diping to the NE during the Early Miocene. The DVFZ is 

the Dobrá Voda Fault Zone — (sensu Marko et al. 1991).

background image




, 2016, 67, 5, 495 – 505

The Pliocene - Quaternary tectonics

The extension with the NW – SE oriented principal minimal 

palaeostress axis persisted during the Pliocene and Early 

Pleistocene (Fig.  7a). Orientation of the minimum component 

of the stress field (Shmin) switched from the NW– SE orien-

tation to NE – SW direction most probably during the Middle 

Pleistocene (see also Decker et al. 

2005). The orientation of the 

Shmin  in  a  NE – SW  direction 

(Fig. 7b) and so parallel to the 

Western Carpathians arc (oro-

gen-parallel extension) from the 

Late Pleistocene to the present 

time (Littva et al. 2015). The 

exception is the configuration of 

the stress field obtained from the 

earthquake focal mechanism 

solution in the Blatné Depression 

and Brezovské Karpaty Mts. 

(Fojtíková et al. 2010; Jechum-

tálová & Bulant 2014). 


The main results of the contri-

bution can be summarized as 


The Tatricum Unit tectonically 

disintegrated prior to the dis-

placement of the Fatricum and 

Hronicum tectonic units in its 

hanging-wall. The general direc-

tion sense of tectonic transport of 

the Tatricum and Fatricum was to 

the  west -northwest.  The  Hroni-

cum Unit was thrust generally in 

the same direction except in the 

Tribeč  Mts.  and  the  Sklené  

Teplice Horst (and Beckov castle 

cliff) where the sense of move-

ment was to the NE (Fig. 2). 

The Upper Cretaceous sedi-

ments transgressively overlay the 

deformed basement of the Tatri-

cum and also the Hronicum units 

(Fig. 3). These sediments were an 

integral part of the wedge-top 

basin system continuing from the 

Eastern Alps to the Western 


During the Late Oligocene the 

Malé Karpaty block shifted 

under  NW – SE  to  NNW – SSE 

oriented compression to trans-

pression, along the Danube Basin Transversal fault (DBTF) 

to the northwest (Fig. 5). Later, during the Early Miocene the 

palaeostress regime continually changed from transpression 

to  transtension.  The  DBTF  and  parallel  NW – SE  

oriented faults were activated generally as normal faults. The 

area southwest from the DBTF (in present day coordinates) 

was subsequently eroded to the crystalline basement (Fig. 4).

Fig. 6.  Successive formation of the Miocene depocentres along the northern periphery of the 

Danube  Basin  (compiled  according  to  Gaža  &  Beinhauerová  1976,  1977;  Gaža  et  al.  1985;  

Zbořil et al. 1987, 1988; Lankreijer et al. 1995; Hók et al. 1999).

background image




, 2016, 67, 5,


495 – 505

In the Middle Miocene the extension oriented in a NW – SE 

direction caused opening of finger-like arranged depressions 

on the northeast periphery of the DB (Fig. 6a). The subsi-

dence was induced by the simple shear regime in the upper 

crust in the Blatné Depression during the Badenian. Attenua-

tion of the simple shear regime controlled the deposition in 

the Rišňovce Depression during the Sarmatian (Fig. 6b) and 

the pure shear regime operated in the Komjatice Depression 

during the Pannonian (Fig. 6c). 

The extensional tectonic re gime with the NW – SE direc-

tion of the Shmin persisted in the DB until the Early Pleisto-

cene. From the ?Middle Pleistocene to present time the  

orogen-parallel extension with the Shmin orientation in 

a NE – SW direction prevails in the DB area (Fig. 7).

Acknowledgements: The work was financially supported by 

the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the 

contracts Nos. APPV-0099-11, APVV-0315-12 and APVV 

SK HU 2013-0020. We are also thankful to Lászlo Fodor and 

Miroslav Bielik who improved the quality of the paper  

with their comments and corrections from their review  

of the paper.


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